Make-Up Artist Diploma Course

Date:18th September 2017 10:10 pm

Who Would Benefit From This Make-Up Artist Course?

This course is for anyone who has ever dreamed of becoming a makeup artist but doesn’t know how to get there or can’t find the time to attend a classroom course and would prefer to study at a pace that would better fit them. It is also a great additional skill for those who are already in the hair & beauty or fashion industries.

What will you learn?

There are many aspects to setting up and practising as a make-up artist, from the various types of make-up that can be applied and the myriad of occasions you may be called upon to use your craft for, to the financial side of things.

The Make-Up Artist Diploma Course takes students through everything they need to know to be successful in this rewarding career.

The course starts off by discussing what exactly a makeup artist is and what kind of market exists and then goes into the details of makeup for each body part, style and occasion, and concludes with some more technical factors of the profession that need to be keep in mind, such as the financial aspect of the industry. This includes the costs that may be incurred when you establish yourself as a makeup artist and the returns that can be made.

Course Provider Centre Of Excellence
Course Fee £147.00
Course Delivery online
Course Duration 150 hours
Website Link
Phone Number 0800 955 6808
United Kingdom
Manchester M1 4BT
