Manual Handling Online Course

Date:15th November 2017 12:47 pm

The aim of this manual handling online course is to introduce you to the main safety issues that you should be aware of when carrying out manual handling activities.You will explore the common hazards and risks associated with manual handling, and discover how to perform manual handling tasks safely. You will also work through some scenarios and will be asked to choose the safest course of action at each stage.

  1. Define manual handling
  2. Explain the statistical data surrounding manual handling injuries and ill health
  3. Identify the common causes of manual handling injuries
  4. Identify the injuries caused by manual handling
  5. Describe the various work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), including those associated with manual handling
  6. Identify the responsibilities imposed by the manual handling regulations
  7. Describe and illustrate what is meant by the body’s centre of gravity
  8. Identify an individual’s manual handling capability
  9. Identify the main causes of back pain
  10. Explain the concept of good handling technique
  11. Explain how to assess manual handling situations
  12. Explain why carrying shifting loads such as containers part full of liquid requires extra care
  13. Describe how manual handling with more than one person should be carried out
  14. Recognise the importance of using mechanical aids for handling
  15. Describe and demonstrate how to carry out safe manual handling, including good handling technique
  16. Describe how to carry loads safely
  17. Explain why the longer a lift lasts or the further something is carried, the more strain it can cause
  18. Explain the importance of using rest breaks
  19. Explain how to put loads down safely
  20. Describe how to handle loads safely when seated
  21. Describe how to push and pull loads safely
  22. Explain the term ergonomics and how it can affect manual handling tasks
  23. Explain the value and purpose of conducting a manual handling assessment and what employees can expect of such assessments
  24. Identify the appropriate systems of work for the individual’s task and environment
  25. Explain how to risk assess manual handling situations
Course Provider Atlas Knowledge
Course Fee £50
Course Delivery Online
Course Duration 30 mins
Website Link
Phone Number (0)1224 708430
Bridge of Don AB23 8GD
