NLP4Kids Silver Level Training

Date:27th February 2020 12:42 pm

The NLP4Kids silver level training is our foundation level and consists of 4 days live training. You are probably wondering what’s actually covered during those 4 days of live training, so let me tell you!

2 days on workshop for children and young people

We cover the content you will deliver during workshops
How to plan your workshop
We practice successful delivery of a workshop
How to report back your successes after a workshop, in a way that makes a headteacher beg you to do more!

1 Day on One to One sessions with children and young people

How to perform a consultation session
and the questions that get them digging deep!
We cover how to deliver a one to one session
How to successfully report back and design feedback that will ‘lock in’ the work you have done for maximum benefits.

1 Day on Advertising and Marketing

We cover how to successfully advertise your business through social media
and how to create your website content
The effectiveness of Google
How to maximise your flyers, posters, business cards etc
We’ll tell you best ways in which to promote your business and how to capitalise on the various platforms available to you

For £6,000 you could become a fully qualified NLP4Kids practitioner in your local area and once you receive your certificates you can start building up your client database and begin seeing clients straight away!

Course Provider NLP4Kids
Course Fee £6,000
Course Delivery Classroom, face to face
Course Duration 4 days
Website Link
Phone Number 0203 6677 294
United Kingdom
Hemel Hempstead
